Reusable Feminine Hygiene Products are the Solution


Every month, young girls and women miss out on school, work and other life activities due to the lack of accessible feminine hygiene products in Nairobi, Kenya. The feminine hygiene products that the Kenyan Government offer are too costly for most women and are not a reusable option.

FACES Inc. has joined the Days for Girls Global Alliance


FACES Inc. has joined the Days for Girls Global Alliance to aid in the Days for Girls (DfG) International Mission of "creating a more free, dignified, and educated world, through providing lasting access to feminine hygiene solutions and health education'.



Our goal with Project: Empower is to provide the Nairobi DfG Enterprise with the tools, fabrics and supplies they need to reach more girls in the greater Nairobi area, along with sponsoring one young woman to attend the DfG University in Uganda. By sponsoring this individual, we are ensuring that this young woman receives the training she needs to reach even more young women, providing and empowering them with the DfG reusable feminine hygiene products and educational tools they need to thrive.

We are happy and blessed to share that funding for Project: Empower has been provided by Quinnipiac University, allowing FACES Inc. to work with Days for Girls to bring a sustainable solution to a community in need.

To meet the 3rd UN Millennium Development goal of promoting gender equality and empowering women, we are working to help supply Kenyan girls with reusable feminine hygiene products. These products will prevent girls from missing days of school and work, along with helping to improve their overall quality of life.